
You will not receive a separate grade for each of the deliverables. Instead, you’ll receive 3 grades, one for each of the specific parts or phases of the assignment:

  1. Your thing itself (i.e., does your embedded hardware and software setup work well? Do you use the components in the right way? Is your code lean and mean? Does it meet the requirements?).
  2. Its interface to the outside world (i.e., does your MQTT setup work well? Does your IoT platform with all of its clients work well? Does the system as a whole offer a pleasant UX? Does it meet the requirements?).
  3. Gesture elicitation, gesture implementation, and usability testing (i.e., Was a gesture elicitation study conducted correctly? Is a gesture set reported and correctly implemented on the Stickuino? Were agreement scores computed correctly? Is the usability testing correctly designed? Was data gathered according to scientific standards? Were the results analyzed using appropriate statistical tests? Are the results correctly interpreted? Does it meet the requirements?). Consult the rubric below.
  Gesture elicitation, gesture implementation, and usability testing – Rubric for grading
Criterion Insufficient Sufficient Good Excellent
Report quality The language is poor and contains several grammatical and/or syntactical mistakes. The content is difficult to understand, and the logic is not always clear. Uses correct language with minor mistakes, sporadic use of colloquial language and awkward phrasing. Communicates results in a clear academic language, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Effectively avoids ambiguity and colloquialism with only minor mistakes. Exhibits a skilful command of academic languages with almost no mistakes. Uses signposting and cross-referencing for effective text organisation.
Gesture elicitation Gesture elicitation is not understood and/or it is not executed properly with missing information and lack of appropriate analysis. Performs satisfactory gesture elicitation however, with a flawed analysis or undocumented protocols. Correctly executes gesture elicitation and can report non-ambiguous gesture language. The analysis of the gesture is grounded and can be replicated. Uses advanced formulas to calculate agreement scores and reflectively considers alternative gesture sets.
Gesture Implementation There is no clear explanation how the gesture set was implemented in the system and no documentation. Gives a sufficient overview on how the gesture set was implemented using clear language. The gesture implementation shows the parameters of the gesture configuration with relevant detection methods. The gesture elicitation is clearly documented (gesture configuration parameters, detection algorithm, requirements) and linked with relevant literature.
Usability testing Does the bare minimum to evaluate the system with user testing. Unable to extrapolate meaning and purpose from the study. Chooses correct methods with no or little motivation. Contributes a statistical analysis with minor flaws in the evaluation and/ or reporting of the findings. Provides all the necessary details when reporting the study. Gives an extensive motivation for the choice of methods. Can report and analyze the dataset with sufficient disambiguation of the results. Can interpret the results from the analysis. The usability testing is thought-through and extensively reported. Gives an extensive discussion on the results of the usability testing, including possible ways to improve the system. Can link the study with the relative literature.

Each part counts for one third of the final grade. Your final grade for the assignment will be the average of these 3 grades.

If you get to this point, you’re probably done with the second assignment and (almost) with the course as a whole. We again wish to thank you for your enthusiasm and we hope that you enjoyed learning about the fascinating world of IoT. We hope you’ll put your NodeMCU and its peripherals to good use even long after your plant died ;-).