Signing up for soldering

Part of the embedded systems and sensors assignment is a soldering workshop. During the workshop you’ll be able to solder your Stickuino kit.

The same soldering workshop takes place on 6 different dates/times with a maximum of 23 students each. Each workshop lasts forĀ  approximately 4 hours. The soldering workshops cover roughly the first week of the course. You’ll find the date, time and location of the workshops in the reservation system (see below).

Attending is a must

Attending one of these 6 soldering workshops and soldering a Stickuino kit is mandatory, as we think soldering is a great skill to possess. Furthermore, the workshop enables you to make a quick start with the Arduino platform, as you’ll also be installing the Arduino IDE and will learn how to program your microcontroller. You cannot pass the Interaction technology course without participating in one of the soldering workshops. (Unless you’ve been a participant in this course in a previous year. If this concerns you, please contact the lecturer of the embedded systems and sensors assignment to discuss this if you haven’t done so already.)

Bring your own computer to the workshop. It is important that you leave the workshop with a working hardware/software setup, to be able to work on the assignment from home.

As participating in the workshop is mandatory and as you’ll need some hardware in order to participate, acquiring an Interaction technology kit is mandatory as well.

Reservation system

To keep track of available slots and who will be attending which workshop, we set up a reservation system. You are supposed to reserve a single slot on that page. You may change your reserved slot at any time using the reservation system, but you are required to show up at the workshop that you signed up for. If you have trouble reserving a slot, make sure that you read the instructions on the reservation page.